Ownership Breakdown

The following table sets forth the principal holders of Minerva outstanding common shares and their respective shareholdings.

Shareholders Shares %
SALIC International Investment Company 185,536,600 30.55%
VDQ Holdings S.A. (1) 135,801,295 22.36%
Treasury shares 18,957,451 3.12%
Outros (free float) 266,988,061 43.97%
Total 607,283,407 100.00%

(1) The ownership of VDQ Holdings by the Vilela de Queiroz Family is as follows: EQMG Participações S.A., 44.03%; Isabel Cristina de Alcântara Queiroz, 13.78%; Marcelo Alcântara de Queiroz, 1.53%; Beatriz Queiroz Lemann, 1.53%; Frederico Alcântara de Queiroz, 1.53%; Antonella Martins de Queiroz, 2.62%; Ibar Vilela de Queiroz, 15%; Fernando Galletti de Queiroz, 5%; Ismael Vilela de Queiroz, 5%; IZVQ Holdings Ltda, 5%; Eneida Campozana de Queiroz, 2.49%; Cristiano Campozana de Queiroz, 1.25%; Devanilda Ginelza Ewig, 1.24%.